Sunday, March 6, 2011

Be Blessed young Gamer!

My 10 year old son wants me to be a "gamer" like him! The fact that he identifies as a gamer scares me silly!! It has lots of very negative connotations for me.

I love it when he collects skinks and makes a terrarium, I love it that he's a voracious reader, I love that he practices the piano about 10 times a day, I love it that he likes Lego, I love it that he's so onto doing his school assignments and managing them, I love that he wants a pen knife for camping, I love it that he loves playing cricket and tennis and I love it that he's not that interested in watching much TV.

But I don't love it when he spends time in his room watching Good Game Spawn Point over and over on his Ipod, I don't love it that he wants an ipod touch and I hate it when he nags me to have more than his two sessions of 1 1/2 hours on his Wii each week.

I don't mind when he wants to go on the computer and do stuff like explore new tools ie prezzie, game building sites, Scratch and lots of other cool stuff I get off OZTL - much!

I don't want my son hanging indoors on a beautiful day watching a screen. But i don't even like it that much when it's raining! I think I'm suffering from severe technological distrust. (I was gonna give it an acronym but it seemed inappropriate!)

The more i read about being a teacher librarian the more I wonder if I've chosen the right profession.

Somethings give me hope. In the Module 1 reading "Libraries for a post - literate society", Johnson (2010) talks about a return to storytelling, debating and dramatisation since digital media can capture and store these modes as easily as writing. There is a wealth of possibilities there for teacher librarians! Imagine having digital resources created by one group of students ie a debate, stored and accessible to be used by another group of students. Imagine having students in small groups having access digitally to the teacher (or author!) reading aloud their story. The list of ideas is endless.

I wouldn't like to compare myself to Plato but I love the quote of his misgivings about writing at the end of the reading, and am hoping that this particular fear of mine becomes a blessing.

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